

Trump vs. Hillary      Voting is the one action indivuals can take that actulky dirrectly influenses the goverement. Being a reblublic, here in America we don't decide on leselation but we get to decide on the repersentives that create legilation to dictate our lives. These reperesentives are choosen through voting wich makes it immenisly important so we can have our needs meant by the goverment. For this post I'll discuss the recent presidental election between the two major canidetes, Hillary and Trump. Trump      Donald Trump just reasontly started his political carrer, starting with the postion of president. His inconstensy makes it difficult to pinpoint what his various stances are, but so far it seems that he feels very strongly about imigration, healthcare, making America great agian, and acknoling the president of the US Virgin Islands. He seems very anti-immigration but does belive there should be legal paths to citzenship along with a two-t...

Iran Deal J-post vs J-news

The Iran Deal       Media is the primary method of connecting the people with their government on a day to day basis. Without it, we would never have any idea what our government is doing or which politicians are running for office. The media gives us all the information we need to form our political opinions so for this blog post I'll discuss two articles from two different news sources on a subject. For my issue I've chosen the Iran deal so for my two articles, I went to the Jewish News and the Jerusalem Post. Trump and the Iran Deal - A Game of Poker The first article discusses the negative effects of giving Iran nuclear materials. Essentially it says that Iran wants weapons to assert their power over their main enemy the Sunnis from Saudi Arabia, the west, and Israel. Soon the nuclear restrictions will end Iran will be able to build nuclear weapons. Donald trump didn’t extend the sanctions. They tested a missile that could reach Israel and S...

Is Jerry Brown a libertarian? Click here to find out.

Libertarian Party     I choose the libertarian party. From the perspective of Zionism, Liberalism aligned to some extent. Libertarians believe that all government is extremely flawed and therefore we should have as little of it as possible. We believe that government is completely necessary for certain things. It is here to protect innocents. We have government so the police can arrest murderers, so Monsanto can’t hire Blackwater to enforce their rules against farmers, and for a military that protects our country from foreign aggressors. We understand that human nature is awful and must be harnessed in some regards. We also understand the those who harness our nature are just as bad, so when we give them power, they can inflict more harm to us. This is what happens with government, so while it is necessary, it needs to be as small as possible to not hurt individuals necessarily. On issues, libertarians believe that the government should have no legislation regu...


The Military     Militarism has always been rampant throughout most societys. Governments constantly worry about the integrity of others, always seeking insurance. This often comes in the form of proliferation. Governments, when given the opportunity, tend to lean towards creating and strengthening there militarys and arsenals. Before modern times growing militarism would cause problems between countries and peoples to be suppressed until it would reach a breaking point, at which time a war would  be fought. The governments would then demonstrate the to the extent of their abilitys, how well the can defend their soil and conquest over others.     In modern times the original phenomenon of militarism remains but our previous ability for catharsis does not. Even 100 years ago, world war 1 had devastating consequences. The technological advancements of the 20th century lead to incomprehensible death and destruction in both the world wa...

Hello Mr. Dalton!

My Blog Hello, my name is Eli. Here we've been instructed to create a blog where we will discuss issues through the perceptive of our our political ideology. I've decided that instead of using my own political perspective, I will make my arguments from a Zionist perspective. This is a movement and ideology for the promotion Israel above all else. Zionism has been ridiculed by many and is considered extremely controversial due to it's conservative and suborn nature that doesn't take the Arab Palestinians into account. Throughout the course of this project, I hope to understand this view and how it apply to current world issues.