Trump vs. Hillary
Voting is the one action indivuals can take that actulky dirrectly influenses the goverement. Being a reblublic, here in America we don't decide on leselation but we get to decide on the repersentives that create legilation to dictate our lives. These reperesentives are choosen through voting wich makes it immenisly important so we can have our needs meant by the goverment. For this post I'll discuss the recent presidental election between the two major canidetes, Hillary and Trump.
Donald Trump just reasontly started his political carrer, starting with the postion of president. His inconstensy makes it difficult to pinpoint what his various stances are, but so far it seems that he feels very strongly about imigration, healthcare, making America great agian, and acknoling the president of the US Virgin Islands. He seems very anti-immigration but does belive there should be legal paths to citzenship along with a two-thousand mile border wall. On the issue of healthcare, he strongly opposes Obama care and would like to come up with a better solution. In terms of making America great agian, he is addametly in suport of it.
This video is a good representation of Trumps campaign strategy. It showed his strong use of rhetoric, instead of proposing viable policy that could make it through congress, he instead appeals with emotion to the American people. He says that together "we can make America great" without giving any solutions. Although this use of pathos makes many individuals feel very comfortable, it's dangerous to trust what someone says when they don't back it up with rationale because without truth, we have nothing. You can this when he says things like "I'll build a wall". Although in theory it seems like a good idea to keep people out, there is no way to feasibly do this because of the high costs and disputed border lines.
Hillary Clinton is a veteran in the political landscape. Although she has had some inconsistency in her political views, they seem to stay set for much longer than Trump. She seems to very interested in foreign policy and believes she knows how to find peace in the middle east. From a Zionist perspective, she's very weak in the middle east and not very beneficial. Her actions have put Isearal in a vulnerable position while strengthening there enemys.
This video shows Hillary Clinton destroying various devises. It's an allusion to the private server she used to send classified information before she deleted the emails. The video does a good job showing the level of slander that occurs during elections like this. We often see candidates putting each other down than rasing themselves up because it's an easy way to convince people that there better. This relates to Clinton's attempts to show herself as a trustworthy candidate. The lack of emotional appeal seemed to inevitably lead to her downfall.

I like how you presented your information very straight forward and easy to interpret
ReplyDeleteThere are some grammatical errors but other than that good blog post.